Thursday, 13 October 2011

Music which could be included in the trailer

From looking at many different styles of horror films we decided to have some main sounds that would appear when something strange and unusual things are about to happen.
We started listening to a range of music and the different emotions they give you as the audience. One of the key ideas we were focusing on were nursery rhymes e.g. teddy bears picnic, twinkle twinkle little star etc...
These sounds could be played when the little girl is about,letting the audience be weary that something strange is lurking around the corner.

Through out most of the trailer we wanted some type of music to be played to add to the genre of the(horror) high pitched musical instruments such as violins. When something spooky would be approaching the music would gradley get louder and louder until the music stops and the spooky clip occurs.

Here are some of the music clips we have been looking at closely:

Bring me to the horizen

Freddy's coming for you

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